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Amit Das - Founder & CEO

Amit Das

Founder & CEO

Serial Entrepreneur with 15 Years of Rich Experience across multiple Start-Ups

  • Founding Team Member:

      – Scaled up Revenues 200X in 3 years

      – B2B acquired by Aon Hewitt

  • Founding Curator : BJYM 

      – National Movement for first time voters

      – 40 lac students covered across 10 states

  • Co-Founder: Intouch101

      – Mass Broadcasting App for closed communities (Model pivoted)

  • Founder: Economy Unit (with Guido Quill )

      – Bringing German Technologies to India

  • Senior Leader: Mettl

       – Leading Mid Market sales as a Growth Expert

       – Acquired by Mercer (5X revenues growth in 4 years)

  • Founder: Electric One
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