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Electric One Story
About Us

The offer of different OEMS/ manufacturers and differently coordinated models puts our dealer in a comfortable situation, because his customer can choose from many models, and is thus independent and free. New, promising models from other OEMS/manufacturers guarantee a target-oriented market strategy and an update of technologies at all levels in the future too.

Founding Team

Amit Das

Founder & CEO

Serial Entrepreneur with 15 Years of rich experience across multiple Start-Ups

Guido Quill

Co-Founder & COO

30 years of Global experience across several countries & multi-Billion dollar projects involving German Industry, Research & Sciences


Satyajit Aribam

President- Investor Relationships

Mr. Satyajit Aribam is a seasoned professional from Manipur. He has over two decades of experience across IT services , several economic projects, PPP initiatives. He has deep insights on socio economic parameters of north Eastern projects and assisting Electric One for regional cooperation and expansion.

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